January 2019 archive

Varied Instruction

Humans are unique creatures. The advancement of society from the nomadic tribes of yesteryear to today’s technically connected epicenters has depended mainly on human’s ingenuity. How did humans learn to be so creative, resourceful, and knowledgeable? Was it through a well thought out academic framework? Was it trial by fire? Or a combination of numerous influences all as unique as the individuals themselves?

A plentiful cache of learning theories has attempted to answer those questions, and it is safe to say that no sloe theory tells us exactly how humans learn. However, several have been well researched, thoroughly documented, and soundly applied providing confidence in the broad elements.

Varied instruction takes into consideration the theories of multiple intelligence, constructivism, humanistic psychology, and cognitive development through the idea of neurodiversity. Boiled down to its most basic points, neurodiversity creates a complex educational landscape, one in which the educator attempts to navigate through more individualized instruction.

Individual difference variables are the drivers of a classroom of varied instruction. Honing in on those elements which make each learner unique and creating a curriculum which caters to those individual learning differences is a tall order. In an education system which is designed to education enmass, it may seem that the ‘teach to the average’ method which was employed for an industrialized America is now the system with which we are stuck. This is not the case. Although it seems impossible for mass education to accommodate one-on-one individualized education, detailed planning and first-hand knowledge of students makes the impossible into the possible.

In a diverse learning environment where each learner’s strengths and weaknesses are known, measured, supplemented, and assisted; the individual learner has a chance. With the theory of varied instruction in mind, reviewing cognitive processes, how the brain learns, how the developing brain is posited to learn multiple things, in multiple ways, at multiple times, is the key to successful, motivated, autonomous learners. Bottom line, providing ‘voice and choice’ to accomplish the same goal (write an essay, create a mind map, drawn a comic strip) will accomplish the same objectives.

What does varied instruction look like in your classroom?


More To Me…

Last night after a meal with friends, we stood on the sidewalk in small lingering conversation before heading to our cars. We were talking about substitute teaching and how it was difficult to find substitutes for certain subjects. Then a comment was made to me “Are you OK substituting for a class other than social studies?” I immediately replied, “Yes!” because it never occurred to me that I wouldn’t be, I mean, I have so much more experience than my endorsement areas.

This was the second such conversation in as many days. These lingering conversations have stuck with me, and I was left with a heavy thought – people don’t know me.  In this world of “What do you do for a living?” the answer is typically singular, I’ve said, “I’m a paralegal.” Everyone moves on. This answer is not just a categorizer but an identity definer– and it shouldn’t be.

I have a rich and varied background, one people know little about. I’ve come to realize, not only is “paralegal” not what I do anymore, and haven’t for a while, but I’ve also done so much more. From that first job in a restaurant to “I’m a paralegal making the career switch into the field of education” I’ve gained career and life experience unknown to others.

I’ve worked in a variety of industries such as landscaping, retail, hospitality, banking, security (certified), legal (4 practice areas), management consulting, human resources (certified), and mediation (Master’s trained).

I’ve worked for large, medium, and small private and commercial business, start-ups, law firms, government agencies, and higher education. I’ve worked on a sales floor, in a cube, in an office with a door and virtually. As an intern, I’ve even worked in a hallway sitting in a folding metal chair. I’ve trained on so many software systems; I couldn’t name them all if I tried.

I have 155 undergraduate credits sitting beside over 50 graduate credits all accompanied by a manila folder 1/3 of an inch thick with certifications, workshops, and seminar attendance certificates.  I clocked practitioner level training in areas such as social and emotional learning, behavioral support, special education, neuropsychology, nutrition and wellness, and spent countless research hours and written untold many unpublished papers on humanities topics from A to Z.

I definitely have multiple layers, transferable skills and competencies, and a rich background that surprises many; if and when they ever learn of it. Perhaps I should do a better job of “marketing” myself, but my attempts have been met with skepticism and doubt – that one person could have so many accomplishments, yet never in a discrete area. It’s true, my life is mapped in pencil, and the journey is a winding road filled with adventure but if one looks closely, my life’s concentration revolves around humanities and education.

My curiosity always drives me to learn more, to discover, to ferret out information.  Fascination is my calling, surface level knowledge isn’t an option for me – I need to satisfy the perpetual need to learn – to soak up information, experiences, and people.

Out of everything I’ve done, this…, this curiosity is why I feel I’m being called to the classroom. The classroom allows me to take all of ‘me’ and give it over to my students. It allows me to take this eclectic life and give it over to fresh minds, for them to cherry pick things that fit. It also allows me to learn everything I can from them and together make this community better.  Because in the end, learning is supposed to be an exciting – eclectic human experience.

Globalization & Education

Globalization is not a new concept; in fact, modern industrialization can be marked by 19th-century advancements in automation. The ability to mass produce items created a global trade market which opened up new economies. The 20th century ushered in more than trading goods between different countries—it offered a glimpse into commercial integration. With the advent of the internet in 1990 advancements in technology have created an interconnected 21st-century world (1). From globalized business to connection through social media, technology has taken an insulated population and created a global population.

This is especially apparent when we look at our classrooms. Students have a constant online presence, interacting with people from around the world on a daily basis. As educators, we have an opportunity to harness a student’s interest in other people and a student’s curiosity about other cultures to create cultural competence for success in the ever complex 21st-century world.  Further, as educators we are guided by the United States Department of Education’s (ED) “mission to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access” (2) and encouraged by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to educate students about “the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice” (3). Although the purpose is clear, the “why” is sometimes opaque.

So why do our students need global competence? Twenty-first-century students exist in a diverse and interconnected world. Mass migration erases borders, concerns over climate instability create community, and constant social and technological interconnection amalgamates cultures. This means students must learn global competence to discover ways to live harmoniously in multicultural communities, thrive in a changing labor market, and use media platforms effectively and responsibly. Teaching students to investigate worlds beyond their immediate environment promotes cultural awareness and respectful community interactions as well as affords respectful communication with diverse audiences (4).

This integrative outlook on the world is not just a collection of independent skills; it is both a disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding of the globe as a system (4).  This interdisciplinary understanding needs to be purposeful, grounded, interactive, and thoughtful (4) to keep students engaged in the learning process. Student engagement is key in any learning process but is especially important when students are tackling concepts outside of their comfort zones. Collaborative learning, and working through the lens of empathy, can help students absorb the dissonance in these topics.

Zepke & Leach, 2010 note that “When institutions provide opportunities for students to learn both autonomously and with others, and to develop their sense of competence, students are more likely to be motivated, to engage and succeed.” (5). Educators can have students work independently and together to create a habit of global competence by asking students to complete such assignments as “write an argument concerning the promise and period of globalization, or a narrative on life of a migrant child, or an explanation of how communication technologies work to facilitate democratic movements in a given region” (4).  Asking the students to engage in discussions about complex problems and work collaboratively to find solutions helps them stay on task by tapping into the emotion which drives cognition (Schwatrz, 2016); these are critical metacognitive skills needed to internalize concepts of a globalized system.

The future is here, globalization is real, and 21st-century students need competencies in order to work with people from different cultures, on global teams, and with international consumers. Students need to envision, tackle, and solve problems in ways not yet conceived, and of course the competition in the global business arena is only becoming more competitive.  By engaging students through addressing global challenges, globalizing the context for learning, connecting universal themes, illuminating global knowledge and history, and learning through international collaboration (4), we can ensure that our students are ready for the future that lies ahead.

Reading & Writing: The Heart of Life Long Learning

Reading and writing are core competencies in not only every single academic subject but in every workplace. In today’s complex, information, and data-driven society, the need to read content and write as a form of expression is even more critical.  Unfortunately, as the need for these basic skills increase, the ability of our secondary students to competently perform said tasks decreases. As workplace texts become more complex, the texts with which we train our future generations in both primary and secondary schools become easier. In fact, “employers rank reading and writing as top deficiency’s in new hires” (1). Moreover, a sizeable sum is spent by employers in the remediation effort to ensure new hires are proficient in basic reading and writing skills.

Why are secondary students graduating from high school without basic competencies in reading and writing? The reasons are as plentiful as the student’s individual differences; however, one universal strategy to remedy the deficiencies is to teach both reading and writing in each classroom as both a method of instruction and intellectual activity (2).

For reading, incorporating multiple literacies into the classroom helps students learn to mentally organize information and learn key vocabulary. Teaching writing can pose more challenges for educators than teaching reading, simply because writing is a time-consuming craft. However, there are five guiding principles regarding writing instruction (2):

  1. Teacher: The teacher is the facilitator of the process and an expert in the content
  2. Time: Time must be made for writing. Because writing is a process of drafting and re-drafting, there must be ample time dedicated to the task of writing.
  3. Technology: Technology can be used to help students in the writing process. Software such as Microsoft Word and Google Classroom can change the entire landscape of writing for countless students.
  4. Assessment: Measure student growth in writing. Although this is a difficult and somewhat subjective task, the assessment of growth in writing is critical to helping students find strategies to make them better writers.
  5. Practical Strategies: Implementing strategies such as pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing assists the student in the “how” of writing

Once students learn that sitting down and writing a paper for submission in one sitting is virtually impossible (unless that is what the assignment calls for), then they will learn that part of the process of writing is patience and part of the process is reflection. These guiding principles of teaching writing improve student learning.

In short, a teacher preparation program requires a course in reading and writing in the content area for each classroom because students cannot be college ready, workplace-ready, or world ready if they cannot read and write. Effective writing is vital for the classroom, and the workplace (2). Once students are fluent readers, they often read for pleasure, and this correlates strongly with academic achievement (1), translating into higher salaries and more job satisfaction in adulthood. It is the responsibility and the opportunity of each educator from each discipline to equip students with the tools they need.

Body Language in the Classroom

Body language is a large part of how humans communicate their wants, needs, and desires with each other.  Body language can invite us into a conversation or isolate us from groups. It is a silent barometer of socialization and can affect an emotional state of being – vacillating from the positive to the negative.  In the end, the interpretation of body language is up to the individual perceiving, the feedback receiver, and a host of individual differences which drive how the signal is decoded. A sigh from the teacher may be humorous to one student, anger-inducing to another, and sorrowful to yet another.  This student perception of a teacher’s silent language can impact student performance and self-esteem.

In a 2009 book chapter by Eccles and Roeser, they discuss schools and academic motivation through various levels. The one thing all of the levels have in common is teacher influence. Suffice to say; teachers have a great deal of influence in and on the lives of their students. Although the authors do not explicitly discuss body language, gestures, and non-verbal cues, they make huge statements regarding teacher influence in the classroom.  How a student perceives a teacher feels about him/her can have a remarkable impact in the classroom.

The point? If teachers have such a strong influence over the outcomes of their students in the classroom through presumably straightforward indications of praise or condemnation, imagine what happens in the complex, mixed-message, broken feedback loop involved in the silent language of the body.  This is something all people need to be mindful of, especially teachers.

Being mindful of how one handles the unexpected is also essential. I think everyone handles the unexpected differently but staying calm, steady, and even-toned is a must. Emotional reactivity encourages, and sometimes, creates more emotional reactivity. For example, if a disruptive student interrupts for the third time in five minutes, a teacher may respond in an angry tone, make a disapproving facial expression, or send other non-verbal signals of annoyance, creating a feeding emotional cycle where the student ‘returns’ those emotion(s) back to the teacher, the teacher to the student, and before anyone realizes, there are heightened feelings and chaos.  In contrast, there may be a child who fails to recognize and decode the teacher’s body language when a signal is meant to be sent; this is not typical and can be unexpected. When a student fails to read the nuances of the silent language they may not realize that the teacher is not approving of their actions and they will continue to engage unless explicitly told verbally to stop. Lastly, remember to focus on the problem, not the person, because disruptive behavior and unexpected student issues usually occur from places which are emotionally or cognitively outside of their control.

In the end, body language is always working; it speaks more often and can be interpreted in variation more than verbal language, and we need to be cognizant of the messages we send. I am an expressive person and perfecting a veil for my own silent language will be a skill to perfect.